Forty two children were chosen to form the only children’s choir in La Guajira. VENtanas partnered with Fundarte (The Arts Foundation of La Guajira), to provide children ages 6 to 17 with music education at the school of music. It was important for us to create an alternative to those who were not interested in sports, like our soccer school, to have a space where they belong and to “keep off the streets”.

There are two parts of the music school; the first semester entails playing the recorder and singing to immerse the students on the fundamentals of music. In the second semester, they will choose to remain in voice lessons or to play an instrument to be part of FUNDARTE symphony orchestra!

It’s important that they experience the world of the arts, visit the main city and interact with other children. VENtanas transports 42 children and 6 chaperons every Tuesday and Thursday in a designated happy bus.