La noche del cacao

November 6, 2018
La Casa de Pedro
Photos by: Jorse Isaac at Boston Photo Studio

Funds raised from this event were used towards children with cancer who have good prognosis. The treatments are being delivered to Fundanica, a long-standing non-profit organization established in 1995 in Carabobo, Venezuela, whose mission is to assist underserved children suffering from cancer.


November 7, 2017
La Casa de Pedro
Photos by: Luis Villabon

Dr. Rengifo is a Venezuelan toxicologist devoting to treating and improving the quality of life of children affected with metal contamination from the oil refineries in regions of Paraguana and Maracaibo, in Venezuela.

Funds raised from this event were used towards treatment to children with metal contamination, autism and neurological disorders.



MAY 4, 2019


Heroes are everywhere, and in many forms. Yordano Di Marzo, is one of them. His music brought the audience back to an unforgotten and treasured era of the beloved Venezuela. A wonderful and nostalgic evening that gifted the treatments and resources needed for children with cancer. VENtanas, through Fundanica, a non profit foundation that aids children with cancer in Carabobo, will supplies chemotherapy treatments and oncological surgeries for children of underserved communities who depend of our donations. Some of our treatment recipients were featured on a large screen, excited to deliver their message of gratefulness and love to an audience who was brought to tears.

Our unmeassured appreciation to the attendees; to the volunteers who devoted so many hours to make possible a memorable, successful and rewarding evening; to the generosity of our sponsors; to the musicians from the Boston String Academy; to the loving and accommodating staff of Tremont Temple; to Yordano and Yuri for their love to the cause, and to the faithful and incredibly committed team of VENtanas.

Love Beyond Borders

On July 2021, VENtanas visited in person and assessed the needs of a community of Venezuelan refugees in La Guajira.

“LOVE BEYOND BORDERS” profits will go towards the deliver of water weekly and to maintain the program to keep the kids out of the dangers of the streets. We need your alliance to continue to expand and sustain life-changing initiatives!